For those of you who are Empaths (or H.S.P.s) you may have heard of Dr. Judith Orloff. She is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and is passionate about supporting empaths in the world with emotional freedom and joyful lives. She asked this question to her Facebook community and I felt compelled to answer (and thought you might benefit, too).
Judith wrote, "I am writing the chapter in my empath book about work. What are your biggest challenges in the workplace and your joys. What strategies at work help you feel good there? Thank you!"
My response: "This isn't specifically about the 'work-place', but I feel called to represent the many purpose-inspired entrepreneurs and share the following.
My life's work is supporting women who are here to fulfill their life purpose in their own life and in their own business. Because I am an empath, I of course tend to attract other highly sensitive people and empaths as clients. And we need plenty of 'down-time' (not working) to replenish and the women I support typically only want to work 28 hours or less a week.
And because often times they are light-workers they are working on the energetic level with their clients so they even more so need time to replenish (light-workers can be in any field not just healing type work).
For over 16 years I've done this work and what I see repeatedly is they deplete themselves and often end up in adrenal fatigue because they over-give by over-committing their time, devaluing their time, not charging enough, under-valuing their work, and create offers and services that requires too much time/energy or at some level they don't really want to do.
Ultimately this sets them up to unconsciously sabotage their business while depleting their own energy. It then leads to feelings of failure, frustration, and self-doubt. We are a unique (and special) group of ladies and I am passionate about supporting them to own their value, draw boundaries (say no, don't over give/commit, offer services that deplete them) and establish their business first and foremost on the life they want to live.
This must include being thoughtful (and intuitive) on how much time and money they want to support themselves vs. "what they think others will be willing to pay" for their services. It also includes being true to themselves aligning truly with the work they are here to do in the world that energizes them.
Their work is valuable and authentically offered in a way that serves both parties ultimately is what creates the abundance they desire. This includes the time that empaths deeply need to replenish, and the joy making the impact in the world they were called to make.
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